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What is

A freelancer is a person offering defined services, who typically works on multiple unique contracts within a year. Freelancers earn money on a per-job basis charging hourly, daily or weekly rates for their work. Freelancers are usually self-employed and therefore are responsible for their own sources of work, pay, accounts, taxes and pension. However, some freelancers work on a PAYE basis moving from one employer to the next.

In order to work as a self-employed Freelancer you must register with Revenue as self-employed.

Freelancing is particularly common in the animation and screen industries because of the project-based nature of the work where certain roles are required for defined periods of time ranging from days to months.

Paper plane illustration

Advantages of being a freelancer


Freelancers choose when and where they work.


Freelancers have the luxury of moving between different types of projects; from a four week feature film on location to a sixteen week TV series in studio.


Freelancers are not confined to the career trajectory of certain employed roles. They have the ability to manage and drive their own career in a way that is bespoke to their unique needs year on year.